Monday, November 5, 2007

A Package from Japan

I'm so happy! I got my egg molds in the mail today!

So many cute shapes. We tried them out today and some of them got messed up because I didn't peel them right. I'll have to keep making them until they look nice.

Another trip to Daiso this weekend brought more fun goodies. Silicone baking cups, an oshibori, and a new box.

Bento #23 (Mine from a few days ago) :

With nothing for rederence, you might think this is big. Well it's not! :P
Persian cucumber, clemintine orange, asian walnut pancakes (not sure about the real name), mini eggrolls and strawberry yogurt.

Bento #24 (Josh):

On the top is Leftover rice and tofu/vegatable stirfry from dinner last night, bottom is clemintine oranges, carrot sticks, and a blue egg shaped like a car.

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